Business Challenges:
- In today’s digital age the city of Basel official website plays a key role to attract and guide visitors from all over the world.
- Not only user design and layout are important, but also availability and performance of the website are key for the experience of mobile and global customers.
- Performance of the website and pages also has a direct impact on the Google Search Ranking (which in turn of course has a direct impact on the number of website visits).
Our Solutions:
~ Rapid Performance Diagnostics
~ Custom instrumentation of Dynatrace for measurements
~ Root cause analysis and identification of performance problems
~ Root cause analysis and identification of performance problems
-’s performance generally improved and start page is highly performant
- CDN has a very positive performance impact for global traffic
- HTTP/2 improved response time very noticeable while resource size and count has decreased
- Insights into specific pages (e.g. events and sightseeing) and features (e.g. search) were provided, as well as location specific user data